Can't mass-assign protected attributes for rake db:seed

June 23, 2012

So, when you are attempting to seed your database in the latest version of Rails now, you may get:

$ rake db:seed

rake aborted!

Can’t mass-assign protected attributes: blah, blah, blah This, of course, is to save us from the dreaded mass assignment vulnerability. I don’t want to turn off that protection in my app, but I do want to do a mass assignment when seeding. I eventually found a solution on the Ruby Forum: but it was out of date, and I got:

$ rake db:seed

rake aborted!

Sanitizer is not a module So, I dug into the Rails source, and figured out that the updated version of code that you will need to add to your seeds.rb file is now:

module ActiveModel

  module MassAssignmentSecurity

    class Sanitizer

      def sanitize(attributes, authorizer)





end Hope this saves others a little of the time I spent when trying to figure this out.